Honduras, Central America
“When they were leaving, the water was up to their throats!”
Josue Andrade is a young, zealous pastor working in Honduras, Central America. His most recent newsletter tells of two hurricanes that passed through his country.
In November another hurricane entered, Iota. It made also much disaster, many tragedies, many died and sadly destroyed an area where we are working, Lomitas. The water entered into the church and made a disaster to Pastor Rene Rodriguez, that is in charge of the work. He says that by the grace of God when he woke up in the morning and opened the door of his bourse, he saw that the water was raised a lot. The rivers overflowed. He went inside quickly, waking up his family and was able to get out. Only they left. When they were leaving, the water was up to their throats.

Yes, that’s a baby being rescued from the flooded town.
Please take a few minutes to read his latest bulletin.
Kindly add Brother Josue and his family to your prayer list.
Thank you for praying for Pastor Josue and his family. This is a bare-bones, no frills ministry. His outreach saves lives — literally and spiritually. If you are looking for a young, energetic pastor devoted to the Lord, please contact Josue at ibfsonaguerahonduras@hotmail.com.
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